Text: You did not include Cost in your list of import fields. ¬How would you like ComicBase to fill in the cost of the issues you are importing?
ItemType: ICON
Rect: 14,17,46,49
Name: Caution
ItemType: PUSH
Rect: 236,139,316,159
AutoSize: FALSE
Name: OK
DefaultItem: TRUE
AutoClose: TRUE
ItemType: PUSH
Rect: 144,139,224,159
Name: Cancel
CancelItem: TRUE
AutoClose: TRUE
ItemType: RAD
Rect: 14,69,129,81
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
Name: Leave the cost blank
Hilite: TRUE
Balloon: If this is hilited, the cost field for the issues you are importing will be left blank. If you want accurate statistics on your mark-up, you should fill in these costs after you are done importing.
ItemType: RAD
Rect: 14,86,238,98
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
Name: Set the cost of each comic to its cover price
Balloon: If this is hilited, the cost field for the issues you are importing will be filled in with the issue’s cover price. This is a good choice if most of your comics are new, but will tend to understate the cost of valuable back issues. (Nobody can buy Action Comics #1 for 10¢ anymore!)
ItemType: RAD
Rect: 14,102,282,114
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
Name: Set the cost of each comic to its current market value
Balloon: If this is hilited, the cost field for the issues you are importing will be filled in with the issue’s current value from the price guide. This will tend to overstate the price of comics you bought when they were on the newsstand, but is a good choice for older collections.